Responsibilities when working with a student support assistant (SSA)

When working with an assigned notetaker, library assistant, lab or studio assistant, your responsibilities are:

  • Make contact with the Disability and Learning Support Service (DLSS) as soon as possible to ensure you receive support in a timely manner.
  • Provide your Disability and Inclusion Advisor with your semester timetable.  Unless otherwise specified SSAs usually only cover lectures therefore please inform your Advisor of the days / times and location of all your lectures.
  • If you have been assessed as requiring SSA support in tutorials, lab classes and workshops please inform your Disability Advisor of these days / times / locations.
  • You will be matched with a SSA for note taking on the basis of your timetable, your subject area and the availability of different SSAs. If you have used a SSA previously and that arrangement has worked well, we will try to match you again, if your timetables and availability still match. We try to match each student with one SSA. However, this is not always possible and you may find you have 2 or even 3 SSAs, depending on the number of lectures you have each week.
  • Your notes will be handwritten unless you have been assessed as needing typed notes. Your SSA will be advised as to what type of notes you require.
  • Unless otherwise specified SSAs attend lectures with the student present, if you do not turn up for your class your SSA may not be given access to the lecture on your behalf.
  • If you are ill or cannot attend class you MUST inform your SSA and Disability and Inclusion Advisor by 9am in the morning – this can be done by phone or email.  Your Advisor can then decide if it is appropriate for your SA to attend on your behalf.
  • If the location or format of your class is changed (e.g. from in person to remote), please let your SSA know, as they will not receive this information directly.
  • Contact between students and SSAs is mainly via email and mobile phone, you will need to agree for your contact details to be passed on and agree the preferred means of communication with your SSA.
  • You will need to keep a note of all the hours your SSA has worked for you as you are required to confirm your SSAs timesheet around the 28th of each month.  Without this confirmation your SSA will not be able to be paid.
  • You should agree with your SSA how you would like your notes set out, e.g. bullet points, short précis, annotation on hand-outs etc.
  • If your SSA is providing library support please give him or her a minimum of 24 hours’ notice when requesting library support.
  • You must provide your SSA with the exact shelf location, title and author of book and pages you wish to be scanned / photocopied.
  • Either purchase or reimburse your SSA for any photocopying or printing costs if necessary. Your SSA will keep a record of the cost.
  • Be respectful towards your SSA at all times and inform your Disability Advisor if your needs are not being met.
  • Please keep us informed if your needs are not being met.
  • Each academic year you are responsible for re-applying for SSA funding through the Personal Help component of Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA).  If you are a continuing, UK student you will be reminded by DLSS staff to do this in June/July for the commencing academic year.