Supporting students

Information on how to help students, including the University leaflet on helping distressed students.

Guidance for staff supporting students with specific conditions.

Details of awareness training run by the Service.

Guidance for Student Advisors/UoE staff to provide enhanced support to those students who have that provision as part of their Schedule of Adjustments

The University has produced a guide for staff who need to help distressed students.

Information and guidance on what members of staff should do if a student discloses a disability, neurodivers or health condition, or a Specific Learning Difference.

Guidance for staff arranging accessible work and teaching placements for disabled students.

Guidance for staff on making information, activities and materials accessible and details on assistive technologies available to students and staff.

This guidance refers to examination scripts which carry a sticker informing markers that the student has specific learning differences.

This information may be useful for Access Centres assessing the needs of students who will be studying at the University of Edinburgh.