Subtitling guidance for staff

There is a range of options within the University for supporting staff to provide subtitles for media used on websites or in teaching situations.

Staff in Moray House School of Education and Support

Teaching staff in Moray House School of Education and Sport are currently able to access a pilot video subtitling service within the School.  Details of the service and the procdure for submitting content to be subtitled can be found by clicking on this link:

Video Subtitling Service

Staff in all other Schools

Material created and owned by the University

Information Services (IS) have provided a broad range of detailed guidance on ensuring that media produced by the University is accessible:

Making your media accessible

IS have also provided specific guidance on providing subtitles/closed captions in Collaborate along with general accessibility information  when using that platform:

Accessibility | The University of Edinburgh

In addition, training is regularly provided in editing automatically produced subtitles.  Search for ‘subtitling’ in MyEd Events. For further information please contact Information Services Disability Information Officer, Viki Galt:

Material created by third parties

If the materials are on YouTube it is possible to use their automated transcription facility.   The results are generally quite accurate, but can also be edited in YouTube.  There are numerous videos on YouTube that provide clear and helpful guidance on how to do this.