Autism Spectrum Conditions

Best practice and Viva guidance and guidelines for staff working with students with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC).

Best Practice Guidance

The European-funded Autism&Uni initiative has published two best practice guides for those teaching and supporting students  with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASCs) in higher education.

Guide 1: For HEI managers and senior academics

Providing you with information and evidence to help you develop policies and practices that will benefit autistic students and improve the student experience at your institution.


Guide 2: For HE lecturers and tutors

We share with you practical tips based on evidence from our research to enable you to make your learning and teaching practices more accessible and support you to build better relationships with autistic students.


Viva Guidance for students who have Autism Spectrum Conditions

 This guide has been produced to:

  • Raise awareness of the particular difficulties that students with ASC may face when undertaking a Viva examinations.
  • Provide simple straightforward advice on reasonable adjustments that can be made.
  • Suggest sources of further information and guidance.

Autism Awareness/Acceptance

The Disability and Learning Support Service Autism Spectrum Group has recently produced this guidance document, which may be of interest and use to both students and staff:
