Information on support that the Service offers to students Information for applicants If you are applying to study at the University of Edinburgh and you have a disability, learning difference, neurodiverse or health condition that may impact on your studies, please make contact with the Disability and Learning Support Service, to discuss your support needs. Supporting Documentation We want to provide you with the support that you require. To do this, we need you to provide suitable supporting documentation of your disability, neurodiverse or health condition or specific learning difference. Disabled Student Funding The Service can help you to apply for non-means assessed allowances intended to cover the extra costs or expenses that you may incur while studying and which are a direct result of your disability. Support we provide We can offer a range of support based on your individual needs and how your disability, learning difference, neurodiverse or health condition affects your studies. Specialist Mentors for Mental Health (MH) and Autism Spectrum (AS) Support available to students whose studies are affected by long-term mental health and/or autism-related conditions. Autism Spectrum Group Information about a social/information group for students with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). PhD Survival Skills Group An opportunity for postgraduate research (PGR) students, who are already registered with the Disability and Learning Support Service (DLSS), to meet together regularly in a supportive environment to discuss the issues that are important to them. Rights and Responsilbilities Data protection, record requests and complaints procedures. Factsheets Factsheets about areas of support we provide. Other student services A list of other Student Services. This article was published on 2024-07-22