Disability Contact for each School. School Disability Contact Contact Email Biological Sciences, School of Joanne Thompson joanne.thompson@ed.ac.uk Biomedical Sciences, Deanery of Celine Caquineau C.Caquineau@ed.ac.uk Business School Ian Graham Ian.graham@ed.ac.uk Centre for Open Learning (COL) Claire Fox claire.fox@ed.ac.uk Chemistry, School of Jean O'Donoghue j.odonoghue@ed.ac.uk Clinical Science, Deanery of Dr Simon Riley simon.c.riley@ed.ac.uk College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Visiting Students Rachael Quirk Rachael.Quirk@ed.ac.uk Divinity, School of Sara Parvis s.parvis@ed.ac.uk Economics, School of Sean Brocklebank sean.brocklebank@ed.ac.uk Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) Stuart Bennett ECADirectorofStudentExperience@ed.ac.uk Edinburgh Medical School (EMS) Colin Duncan w.c.duncan@ed.ac.uk Education, Moray House School of Rachel O'Neill rachel.oneill@ed.ac.uk Engineering, School of (Taught) Stephen Warrington stephen.warrington@ed.ac.uk Engineering, School of (Research) Tim Stratford tim.stratford@ed.ac.uk Geosciences, School of Susan Orr susan.orr@ed.ac.uk Health in Social Science, School of Dr Emily Taylor emily.taylor@ed.ac.uk History, Classics & Archaeology, School of Alex Solomon Alex.Solomon@ed.ac.uk Informatics, School of Bjoern Franke B.Franke@ed.ac.uk Law, School of Katy MacFarlane katy.macfarlane@ed.ac.uk Literature, Languages & Cultures, School of Neill Martin neill.martin@ed.ac.uk Mathematics, School of Stuart King s.king@ed.ac.uk Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences, Deanery of Niall Anderson niall.anderson@ed.ac.uk Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences, School of Moira Avraam moira.avraam@ed.ac.uk Physics and Astronomy, School of Kristel Torokoff kristel.torokoff@ed.ac.uk Social & Political Sciences, School of Catriona Elder catriona.elder@ed.ac.uk Veterinary Studies, Royal (Dick) School of Fiona McDowall Fiona.McDowall@ed.ac.uk This article was published on 2024-07-22