Disability Contact Roles and Responsibilities

Role and responsibilities of a School Disability Contact.

Background and context

One of the key recommendations from the Principal’s Review of Support for Disabled Students (2017) was that “Schools introduce a senior designated point of contact for each disabled student, with whom students can raise issues of concerns about implementation of adjustments and other disability issues such as accessibility and who is empowered to act with the authority of the Head of School to resolve problems with adjustments.”

The Student Disability Service (SDS) will maintain an up to date list of all School Disability Contacts.  Students will be able be able to access this list, which will be held on the SDS website, from the Student Support Section of their MyEd page.

Disabled students who require support in relation to their studies should be referred to the Student Disability Service in the first instance.

Role responsibilities

  1. To be available to disabled students to discuss any issues or problems regarding the accessibility of their programme of study and implementation of support proposed by the Student Disability Service
  2. To respond to student concerns as quickly as possible (eg within 5 working days), keeping them appraised of any action taken
  3. To support disabled students to seek a resolution to disability related issues
  4.  To develop and maintain a working knowledge of current disability issues and policy relating to the support of disabled students
  5. To develop effective working relationships and communication with the Student Disability Service
  6. To participate in training and liaison events with SDS colleagues
  7. To participate in a University-wide network of School Disability Contacts, supported by SDS, to share experiences, good practice and knowledge
  8. To work alongside the School’s Coordinators of Adjustments to ensure implementation of disabled students’ support.

March 2022