Responsibilities when working with a specialist mentor or SpLD tutor.

When working with an assigned mentor or tutor your responsibilities are:

SpLD Appointments

  • Appointments will be arranged at a time convenient to you.
  • You must contact your mentor/tutor to cancel if you cannot attend an appointment
  • You will be contacted if the mentor/tutor needs to cancel the appointment (e.g. illness). The mentor/tutor will contact you to reschedule your appointment when they return
  • If you do not attend and do not give 24 hours of notice of cancellation this will impact the number of sessions available to you with the mentor/tutor across the semester. 
  • If you do not attend three successive sessions your file may be closed and you may require to be re-referred by a disability advisor.

When meeting with the mentor/tutor you are expected to:

  • arrive on time
  • be prepared for the session
  • take responsibility for your own learning
  • help the mentor/tutor identify areas that are causing you difficulty at university and/or situations that you are finding challenging so that you can work on developing coping and learning strategies
  • ensure an uninterrupted session
  • treat your mentor/tutor with respect.

Confirming Timesheets:

  • You are expected to confirm that a session has happened via the online timesheet system, Connect.  You will be sent an email prompt each week if you have a timesheet to confirm.
  • You are expected to confirm sessions where you have given less than 24 hours of notice of not being able to attend.
  • Without this confirmation, we will not be able to claim the funding to cover the cost of your support.
  • If you have any difficulties using the system, please contact Someone will be happy to help you with the process.


  • Confidentiality and information sharing will be fully discussed between you and your mentor/tutor.
  • However, if your mentor/tutor is concerned about your immediate safety or someone else's safety, they will share relevant information with a third party.  All attempts will be made to inform you of this at the time.
  • The systems and safeguards to safely store data are in line with Data Protection Law.   More information can be found via our Privacy Notice.
  • Disability & Learning Support Service Privacy Notice

Feedback and Complaints

If you are unhappy with your mentor/tutor support, contact the Disability & Learning Support Service so that we can help solve the issues.

Contact Us