Autism Spectrum Group

Information about a social/information group for students with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC).

The Service runs a weekly online social and information group for students with a diagnosis of, or who are undergoing assessment for, Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).  The group is open to students who are registered with the Disability & Learning Support Service, as well as those who have had no previous contact with the Service. 

The group acts as a social space for students with ASC, and meets once a week throughout the academic year.  It provides an opportunity to meet, make friends, chat and talk through issues or concerns.  Each week the group will discuss an agreed topic but there will also be plenty of time for social interaction.  Students choose their own level of participation, i.e. speak, type comments in the chat or just listen in. Discussion topics are suggested by group members and include the following:

  •  Hybrid Learning
  •  Social Anxiety
  •  Building Friendships
  •  Managing Deadlines

The group meets on Teams between 4.30 and 5.30pm.

Meetings for the new academic year are scheduled to start on Wednesday 18 September 2024.

If you wish to join the group, please email

Autism Awareness/Acceptance

The group has recently produced this guidance document, which may be of interest and use to both students and staff:
