Schedule of Adjustments

An explanation of a Schedule of Adjustment and who sees it.

To ensure you receive the support you require, we need to communicate information regarding your requirements to staff across the University.  We do this by creating Schedule of Adjustments (SoA).

What is a SoA?

A SoA is an electronic document that lists the adjustments that the Disability & Learning Support Service recommend should be made for you by the University e.g. extra time in exams, copies of lecture slides etc.

How do I set up my SoA?

Once we have your medical evidence / psychological assessment, we will ask you to attend a short appointment with a Disability Advisor to create the SoA.

Who sees my SoA?

A SoA is distributed to relevant University staff to ensure your study adjustments are put in place.  For example Academic Registry, Library Staff, your Student Adviser, PG Supervisor and your School's Coordinator of Adjustments.

Important notes

  1. If you decide that you do not want a Schedule of Adjustments, it may have an impact on the support you can receive.
  2. Information about you, how we use it and who we share it with can be found here: Privacy Notice