Online resources available to all students and staff

The University has made a range of online support resources available to all students and staff.

All students can now access a mental skills training programme which teaches how to calm the mind and develop a positive mindset, enabling greater emotional resilience to deal more effectively with challenges of student life.

What is it?

The Feeling Good app contains a safe and effective programme, Positive Mental Training, that is widely used within the NHS in Edinburgh, for increasing wellbeing and recovery from stress, worry and low mood.

It is a mind body programme derived from sports psychology, which takes you through a set of 12 physical and mental exercises.  This allows you to switch to a helpful state of mind and let go of the negative emotional triggers, which underpin distress, whilst simultaneously increasing your concentration and focus.

The techniques build a resilient mind set, encapsulated by successful Olympic athletes who work on the foundation of positive motivations and memories to enable goal focused success.

  • immediately helps calm the body and mind
  • non-stigmatising sports background
  • aids recovery from mental distress as well as developing all round mental wellbeing
  • 12 years evidenced based development from within the NHS
  • promotes deeper sleep and concentration
  • different to mindfulness as it combines physical relaxation with positive outcome-focused visualisations
  • supports equality - based on universal, transcultural psychological needs, audio and available to all

Get the App

Get the app!  Downloading the app is free.

  1. visit your app store on your phone or tablet
  2. search on 'feeling good' and look for the logo with a blue sky and sun
  3. install the app free to your device.  It comes with free stuff
  4. unlock the rest of the tracks by putting the username and password below into the login boxes at the foot of the 'download' tab.  (NB this username and password are only for this app.)
  5. on an ipad/iphone you need to close the keypad (press done) before pressing 'submit'
  6. complete the questionnaire - all results are anonymous

NB your device needs to be set up to use the app store, this requires registering with google or apple.

My in-app login username = edinuni1.   My in-app password = positive

The University is also working in partnership with Togetherall (formerly Big White Wall).  

Togetherall is an online support network, available 24/7, guided by trained professionals.  It is free to all students and staff at the University.

Using your University email address, you can access:

  • safe, anonymous support
  • community, group and 1:1 peer support
  • clinical tests and a broad range of self-care resources

Professionally trained Guides ensure the safety and anonymity of all members.

How to join Togetherall

  • click on the link to the website
  • click on 'Register'
  • Click on 'I'm from a university or college'  
  • enter your University of Edinburgh email address
  • choose your anonymous username

Togetherall Website