
How to access and use proofreading support.

How to access proofreading support

  • When you meet with a Disability Advisor they will discuss the need for proofreading and funding for the support will be requested, if appropriate. 
  • If you have already received confirmation of funding for proofreading contact to be matched with a proofreaderYou should do this 2 weeks before your first deadline (or 4 weeks before for dissertations).  A proofreader will contact you using your University email address.
  • For all subsequent assignments, you must contact the proofreader directly, as soon as you know your deadlines, so that a schedule of work can be agreed.
  • You will need to tell the proofreader if you have an adjustment for extensions to allow your work to be proofread.  Make clear to the proofreader whether you quoting the original hand in date OR the hand in date with the extension added on.
  • The accepted format for files is Microsoft Word (.doc).  Send all documents to the proofreader in this format.  Check your email regularly and ensure that there is enough space to receive large documents.

The proofreader will:

  • contact you using your University email address.
  • only proofread the main body of your work.  References, notes and bibliographies will not be proofread. 
  • email you to confirm they have received your work.  
  • not turn workaround without adequate notice; all deadlines need to be negotiated and agreed in advance.
  • proofread your work using the ‘track changes’ option in ‘Word’ documents.  You must check all of the tracked changes when you receive work back from the proofreader.  
  • return only the proof-read copy of your work with all changes recorded and tracked.
  • not edit your work or alter the structure.  They may indicate that something does not appear to make sense.
  • work only on your final draft. So, be sure to wait until you are satisfied with your draft before sending it.  Any changes made to the text after it has been returned by the proofreader are not the proofreader’s responsibility.

The role of the proofreader is to ensure that your work is coherent and contains correct spelling, grammar and punctuation while making as little impact as possible on the content and meaning of the work. Take care when accepting changes and always ensure that the text still reads as you intended.

Students with dissertations to be proofread should agree with their proofreader whether the work should be submitted in its entirety, or a chapter at a time, as each section is completed.

When you receive your document back from the proofreader you must:

  • Acknowledge receipt of the work by emailing the proofreader.
  • Reply to the pay claim email from the Student Disability Service as soon as possible to ensure that the proofreader is paid for the work.
  • Check through the work and decide if you wish to accept or reject the suggested changes, and consider any comments made by the proofreader.  Always check the returned versions. 
  • Complete the final edit of your work before submitting it.

Important notes

  1. Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS) students must apply for Disabled Students Allowance (DSA) funding each summer.   All funded students (SAAS/Student Finance England/Other) must request an appointment with an Advisor to be re-matched with a proofreader at the beginning of each academic year. 
  2. If you contact your proofreader regarding work to be checked, but then do not submit the work, the proofreader will charge admin time appropriately.